Tisch Environmental Inc.3
https://www.aerosol.com.tw/ 锋泰科技股份有限公司

TE-WILBUR, PM2.5 FRM Sampler 最新型通过美国环保署认证 PM2.5 标准采样器

Tisch  公司 TE-Wilbur采样器,是一部最新及最先进的PM2.5标准采样器,结合目前最新技术,包含触控萤幕、支援多种语言、USB资料传输、电池供电与DC马达等。

可以轻易藉由更换 TSP, PM10, PM2.5及PM1 筛选器,迅速转换为所需颗粒大小进行采样工作,并携带USB随身碟即可下载数据,另外,承袭Tisch公司产品一贯作风,零件清单和价格资讯公开透明,由於PM2.5已经成为显学,使用者选用此采样器可以轻易建立操作维护维修SOP,可大大节省难以掌握的维修成本。

TE-FRM-CAL, Calibrator for FRM Samplers PM2.5标准采样器专用温度压力流量校正器

TE-FRM-CAL is an advanced low volume calibrator that can be used to calibrate low-volume air sampling equipment such as the TE-Wilbur low volume sampler. 

4AA Batteries

Flow Measurement
Range: 5 to 20 SLPM
With a repeatability of +/- 0.1% of scale and
accuracy of +/- 1.0%

Temperature Sensors
Range: -40 degree C to 65 degree C
Accuracy: +/- .22 degree C

Barometric Pressure
Range: 650 to 825 mmHg
Accuracy: 0.07 mmHg

User Interface
2.8" Full Color LCD
Soft press menu buttons

X-Calibrator High Volume Calibrator 高流量采样器数位式流量校正器

The TE-HVC is a totaly integrated device used for flow calibration of High Volume PM10, PM2.5 and TSP particulate monitors. 

The 32bit microprocessor controller gives instantaneous standard and ambient flow rate, temperature, and barometric pressure.

4AA Batteries
Micro USB (+5v @ 500 mA)

Flow Range: 25 to 50 CFM
Flow Accuracy: 0.75% of Reading

Ambient Temperature Range: -35 degree C to +65 degree C
Ambient Temperature Accuracy: +/- 2 degree C

Orifice Pressure Range: 0-10 inches H2O
Orifice Pressure Accuracy: 0.5% of Full Scale
Ambient Pressure Range: 625 to 825 mmHg
Ambient Pressure Accuracy: +/- 10 mmHg

TE-6070, PM10 high volume air sampler 标准PM10高量采样器

PM-10 High Volume Air Sampler


A PM10 high volume air sampler is a federal reference method (FRM) instrument designed to collect ambient particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm or less.  This sampler uses a size selective inlet to separate out the particulate matter that is larger than 10µm, ensuring that only concentrations of PM10 are deposited onto the filter.  These samplers typical operate with a flow rate between 36-60 ft³/min during a 24 hour sampling period.  Constructed of high quality components and a robust anodized aluminum shelter, these instrument are well suited for all ambient sampling installations.  Tisch Environmental’s PM10 high volume air samplers are designed according to the guidelines that are outlined in 40 CFR appendix J to part 50 and designated as a federal reference method sampler under designation number 0202-141.

TE-6070-2.5, PM2.5 high volume ambient air sampler 高流量PM2.5采样器

The Hi-Vol PM 2.5 ambient air sampler is designed to provide owners of our TE-6001 PM-10 samplers with the option of retrofitiing existing equipment rather than procure a new family of apparatus. An adapter is placed into the model TE-6001 sampler in lieu of the existing PM 10 fractonator. The adapter has a new plate that contains multiple impactors, which collect particles larger than PM 2.5 aersol on a oil-wetted surface. The PM 2.5 aerosol is transmitted through the impactor and collected on a hi-vol filter.

Features and Models TE-6070V-2.5 Volumetric Flow Control
Complete 40 ACFM PM 2.5 High Volume System Includes: 2.5 (40CFM) size selective inlet, anodized aluminum shelter, 8" x 10" stainless steel filter holder, aluminum blower motor assembly, continuous flow/pressure recorder, elapsed time indicator, filter media holder, volumetric flow controller with look up table, 7-day mechanical timer, 30" water manometer. TE-6070-2.5-HVS Mass Flow Control
Complete 40 SCFM PM 2.5 High Volume System Includes: 2.5 (40CFM) size selective inlet, anodized aluminum shelter, 8" x 10" stainless steel filer holder, aluminum blower motor assembly, continuous flow/pressure recorder, elapsed time indicator, filter media holder, mass flow controller w/20-60 SCFM air flow probe, 7-day mechanical timer. TE-6070-V-2.5-HVS-BL
For Volumetric Flow Controlled Brushless Version Complete System TE-6070-2.5-HVS-BL
For Mass Flow Controlled Brushless Version Complete System PM 2.5 Micron Retro-Fit Kit used with existing PM10 40 CFM High Volume System TE-6001-2.5 Complete Kit to Retro-Fit Existing 40 CFM PM 10 System to PM 2.5 TE-6001-2.5-I Complete 40 CFM PM 2.5 micron size selective inlet only Replacement Parts for 40 CFM Retrofit Kit


Acceleration Plate


Gasket for Acceleration Plate


Gasket for Top of Bug Screen


Bug Screen


Screen and Nozzle Plate Adapter


Acceleration Nozzle Plate


Acceleration Nozzles (each)


Oil Absorbent Ring Hold Down


Two Ply Oil Absorbent Ring


Gasket for Oil Absorbent Holder


Oil Absorbent Holder


Bolt and Nut (set of 4)


Bolt and Nut (set of 6)


Spacer Bolt Assembly with Nut each (4 required)

TE-6001-2.5-15 Oil for 2.5 Retro-Fit Kit, 5 oz.

TE-5170, High Vol Plus TSP high volume Sampler 高流量TSP采样器

This instrument is recommened by the EPA for measuring air quality standards. Reference Document 40 CRF Part 50 Appendix B. Click below to see why.
1) Use of Continuous Flow
2) Filter covered during nonsampling
3) Flow record and elapsed time
4) Automatically controls flow rate
5) Records total flow
6) Data logs flow, barometric pressure and ambient temp.
7) Auto-calibration of sampler


The Tisch family was instrumental in the design of the first TSP high volume lead sampler in 1954 and has been a pioneer in the air sampling industry ever since. With 55 years of experience and expertise Tisch Environmental has developed the most accurate and user friendly high volume air sampler available today.

The HI-VOL+ eliminates the need for lengthy calculations during calibration by offering an auto calibration features which requires the user to simply input the calibration factors and the system does the rest. The user must select a flow rate and the unit uses the temperature and barometric pressure to maintain that flow rate with greater than 99% accuracy. The HI-VOL+ also uses a digital timer which allows the user to set their sampling schedule only once and the system will repeat sampling events as frequently as required. The system has several data logs including and interval log, timer log, power log, and calibration log. The data interval feature logs temperature, barometric pressure, and flow rate every 5 minutes eliminating the need for a chart recorder. The timer log shows each scheduled event and records avg, min, and max temperature, epa standard flow rate, ambient flow rate, and barometric pressure.

The HI-VOL+ also utilizes an SD media card reader for data transfer and system updates without the need of a laptop being brought into the field. All data logs are stored in a .csv file format which allows the file to be viewed on most spreadsheet programs including MS excel and spreadsheet. The HI-VOL+ is a low maintenance system which eliminates the need to replace consumable goods typical with other TSP samplers.

Key Features :
  • Automatic self calibration using standard calibration orifice for easy, quick and accurate calibrations requiring minimal user interaction.
  • Greater than 99% flow rate accuracy.
  • Microprocessor based system which instantaneously controls flow adjusting for user selectable ambient or EPA standard conditions.
  • Continuous data logging including avg, min, max temperature, barometric pressure,  flow rate, and total flow.
  • Interval log which records temperature, flow rate, and barometric pressure every 5 minutes to monitor sampling conditions at all times eliminating the need for a chart recorder.
  • Digital timer with auto repeat function which supports 1 in 1, 1 in 3, 1 in 6, 1 in 7 and custom sampling schedules.
  • All units include a standard SD media card reader to retrieve data and update firmware without the need of bringing a laptop into the field.
  • All data is stored in a .csv file format which can be viewed using most spreadsheet applications (ms excel, spreadsheet). Click here for sample.
  • Multiple resettable elapsed time indicators to track motor life, calibration frequency, and user based events.
  • Alert status indicator will notify user of critical points for brush changes, calibration, or user required events.
  • Available with an EPA recommended sample saver to eliminate particles from settling on the filter during idle periods.
  • Available in both brushless motor and brush type motor models.
  • Compliant with EPA 40 CFR 50, Appendix B

TE-5200, TSP Tri-pod High Volume Air sampler 轻便三脚架型TSP高量采样器

TE-5200 TSP Tri-pod High Volume Air sampler

Complete with outdoor anodized aluminum tri-pod shelter, aluminum blower motor assembly, 8" x 10" stainless steel filter holder, 30" slack tube manometer, and motor speed voltage control/elapsed time indicator (110v/60hz or 220v/50hz)


TE-230 Series,   High Volume Cascade Impactor for PM2.5 高量采样器用PM2.5冲击板

TE-230 Series, High Volume Cascade Impactor for PM2.5 高量采样器用PM2.5冲击板

TE-230 Series High Volume Cascade Impactor for PM2.5

As a high volume cascade impactor the series TE-230 provides a simple, accurate, and yet low-cost means of obtaining the particle size distribution and respirable mass fraction of suspended particulates in outdoor and occupational environments. The unique slotted impactor design features the ultimate in precision, predictability, and sharpness of cut-off, combined with compactness, ease-of-use, and the lowest internal losses.


TE1000, PUF Polyurethane Foam Sampler PUF 采样器

TE1000PUF, PUF Polyurethane Foam Sampler in Ambient Air and Pesticide Sampler (Available with Brushless Motor)


PUF for Pesticide Particulate/Vapor Air Sampler: Complete with outdoor anodized aluminum PUF shelter, aluminum blower motor assembly, 4" particulate/vapor sampling module, flow venturi calibration valve system, 0-100" magnehelic gage, motor voltage control/elapsed time indicator, (10' exhaust hose, and 7-day mechanical timer (110v/60hz or 220v/50hz)


Inlet collection efficiency: Meets EPA Methods T04A,T09A,T013A
Flow rate: 280 Liters per min.(10 CFM)
Filter media: 4" Round Quartz Filters (TE-QMA4)
Flow control: Motor Voltage Control/Elapsed Time Indicator (TE-5010)
Motor blower: 2 Stage Vacuum Motor 110v/60hz (TE-116336) 220v/50hz (TE-116125)
Flow Indicator: 0 to 100" Magnehelic Gage (TE-1005)
Mechanical programmable timer 7 Day Mechanical Timer (TE-5007)
Elapsed time indicator device: Elapsed Time Indicator (TE-5010)
Sample Module: Particulate/vapor sampling module with Tischaloy coating (TE-1002)
Shipping Information:
 1 Carton 45.5" x 22.5" x 20" Weight 70 lbs
 1 Carton 19" x 14" x 14" Weight 9 lbs
Motor Specifications:
 Start up amps: 15 amps
 Running amps: 5 amps

TE-298,  Marple style Personal Cascade Impactor 八阶个人微粒采样器(另有四阶及六阶))

TE-298, Marple style Personal Cascade Impactor 八阶个人微粒采样器(另有四阶及六阶))

TE-298 Marple style Personal Cascade Impactor, precision cascade impactor

TE-298 Marple style Personal Cascade Impactor is a precision cascade impactor worn by personnel to provide complete and accurate aerodynamic particle size distributions of the particulate in their environment.

A personal mounting bracket is provided to attach to the subject’s lapel or pocket. It is compact, light-weight (7 oz. Max.) and are available with 8, 6, or 4 impactor stages all followed by a built-in filter holder. This product utilizes the radial slot design that is acclaimed for its accuracy and minimal internal losses and absence of particle bounce.

Particle cut-points for this series of impactors range from 21 to 0.5 microns. Series 290 Marple Style Personal Cascade Impactors are operated at a flow rate of 2 LPM. Constant Flow Personal Sampling Pumps are attached to the belt and interconnected via tubing to the cascade impactor.

Impactor Stage No.           Cut-Point* Dp (Microns)
1                                     21.3
2                                     14. 8
3                                     9.8
4                                     6
5 or 5A                             3.5
6                                     1.55
7                                     0.93
8                                     0.52
Back-Up Filter                   0


• Wood dust
• Coal dust
• Silica dust
• Respirable dust sampling
• Inhalation toxicology, aerobacteriology
• Indoor air pollution
• Low-cost multi-point sampling
• Aerosol research

TE-PNY1123, PUF sampler, semi-volatile organic sampler 半挥发性有机物采样器

TE-PNY1123 PUF sampler, semi-volatile organic sampler


Complete with anodized aluminum shelter, 8" x 10" stainless steel filter holder, 6" long spool PC with end caps (to hold foam), aluminum blower motor assembly, well type manometer, 7 day mechanical timer, filter media holder/filter paper cartridge, elapsed time indicator and mass flow controller (110v/60hz – 220v/50hz)

Flow rate: 10 to 25 cfm
Filter media: Glass Fiber Filter 8" x 10" (TE-G653)
Filter media holder/filter paper: Cartridge (TE-3000 )
Flow control: Mass Flow Controller from 10 cfm to 25 cfm (TE-300-310)
Motor blower: 2 Stage bypassVacuum Motor 110v/60hz (TE-116336), 220v/50hz (TE-116125)
Flow Indicator: Well type manometer 0" to 8" (TE-5008)
Mechanical  programmable timer 7 Day Mechanical Timer (TE-5007)
Elapsed time indicator device: Elapsed Time Indicator (TE-5012)

Size: 45.5" x 22.5" x 20" sampler carton, 19" x 14" x 14" lid carton
Weight: 75 lbs. – sampler carton, 9 lbs. - lid carton
Assembled Space Requirement: 24" square x 53" high

Power Requirement:  Single phase with earth ground, 110v/60hz or 220v/50hz
Motor Specifications:
110v/60hz – Part #TE-116336, Vacuum, Double Ball Bearing. Bypass: Peripheral Discharge, 220v/50hz – Part #TE-116125, Vacuum, Double Ball Bearing. Bypass: Peripheral Discharge

Altitude Application: to 10,000 feet above sea level
Ambient Temperature Application: -30 to + 50ºC
Relative Humidity Application: 0 - 100%
Sample Delay Start Range: 0 - 7 days
Start up amps: 15 amps
Running amps: 5 amps

TE-303 & TE-303 TP, Digital timer for TSP, PM10, PM 2.5, and PUF samplers

TE-303 Digital timer for TSP, PM10, PM 2.5, and PUF samplers

This instrument is recommened by the EPA for measuring air quality standards. Reference Document 40 CFR Appendix B to Part 50.

The TE-303 digital timer is the most accurate and user friendly digital timer available for TSP, PM10, PM 2.5, and PUF samplers. The EPA code of federal regulations recommends the use of a digital timer with an internal battery backup to insure sampling accuracy. The TE-303 digital timer can be used with any Tisch Environmental air monitors.

TE-303 Digital Timer Plus Features

  • Backlit LCD Display with soft press buttons.
  • Custom and Default sampling schedule
  • Multiple resettable elapsed time indicators to track motor life, calibration frequency, and user based events.
  • Alert status indicator to alert user to check motor, calibrate system, or for user based events.
  • Multiple resettable elapsed time indicators with status alert indicator to track motor life, calibration frequency, and user based events.
  • Internal battery backup eliminates the need to reset timer after a power failure.
  • Archived sample runs
  • Sample can be paused or aborted at anytime.
  • Manual motor control

The TE-303 TP has all of the same great features as the TE-303 digital timer as well as the capability to record ambient temperature and barometric pressure. Also, the TE-303TP has a SD media card reader so that data, such as, temperature, barometric pressure, and a sampling data interval log can be store on a SD card and viewed using most spreadsheet programs.

TE-303 TP Digital Timer Plus Features

  • Records Temperature and Barometric pressure.
  • SD media card reader to transfer data to spreadsheet programs
  • Data interval log
  • Backlit LCD Display with soft press buttons.
  • Custom and Default sampling schedule
  • Multiple resettable elapsed time indicators to track motor life, calibration frequency, and user based events.
  • Alert status indicator to alert user to check motor, calibrate system, or for user based events.
  • Multiple resettable elapsed time indicators with status alert indicator to track motor life, calibration frequency, and user based events.
  • Internal battery backup eliminates the need to reset timer after a power failure.
  • Archived sample runs
  • Sample can be paused or aborted at anytime. Manual motor control
TE-10-890, Single Stage (N6) Ambient Viable Sampler

TE-10-890, Single Stage (N6) Ambient Viable Sampler

TE-10-890, Single Stage (N6) Ambient Viable Sampler

Single Stage (N6) Ambient Viable Sampler includes One Aluminum Orifice Stage, Silicone O-ring Gaskets, Vacuum Pump Assembly and Carrying Case complete

Mic. Cut-Point

0.65 and above (nominally to 22 micrometers)

TE-10-880,  Same as TE-10-890 Except Vacuum Pump

TE-10-860, TWO STAGE VIABLE IMPACTOR OPERATING AT 28.3 lpm, includes Vacuum Pump Assembly and Carrying Case

TE-10-860, TWO STAGE VIABLE IMPACTOR OPERATING AT 28.3 lpm, includes Vacuum Pump Assembly and Carrying Case

TE-10-860, TWO STAGE VIABLE IMPACTOR OPERATING AT 28.3 lpm, includes Vacuum Pump Assembly and Carrying Case

Stage     Mic. cut-point (micro meter)
1           8.0 and above
2           1.0 to 8.0


TE-10-850,  Same as TE-10-860, excludes Vacuum Pump Assembly

TE-10-800, SIX STAGE Viable Impactor and microbial sampler

TE-10-800, SIX STAGE Viable Impactor and microbial sampler

TE-10-800, Viable Impactor and microbial sampler


System includes Six Aluminum Orifice Stages, Silicone O-ring Gaskets, Vacuum Pump Assembly and Carrying Case complete

Stages     Mic. Cut-Point (micro meter)
1             7.1 and above
2             4.7 to 7.1
3             3.3 to 4.7
4             2.1 to 3.3
5             1.1 to 2.1
6             0.65 to 1.1

TE-10-820     Same as TE-10-800, except a 12 Volt DC Pump/Motor, in place of 115 Volt or 220 Volt AC Pump

TE-10-830 Same as TE-10-800, excludes Vacuum Pump Assembly


PUF+ and PUF+BL Controllers

Poly-Urethane Foam air sampler (PUF Sampler) for pesticide particulate/vapor. Includes anodized aluminum shelter, 4" particulate/vapor sampling module, flow venturi, brush-type or brushless type blower motor assembly, microprocessor based system for flexible and accurate sampling, automatic flow calibration, ambient or standard conditions, multiple elapsed time indicators, removable memory card. 110v/60hz or 220v/50hz.

Key Features :
Available with new PUF samples or retrofit into existing samplers.
Microprocessor based system for flexible and accurate sampling.
Auto Flow Calibration for easy and quick calibrations.
Timer with Auto-Repeat supports l-l, l-3, l-6 and sample schedules without having to reprogram the timer for each. Custom repeat interval also supported.
Flow Control can be set for either ambient conditions or standard conditions.
Reports Flow and Volume data for both Ambient and Standard conditions to comply with the latest EPA reporting criteria.
Monitors and records minimum, maximum, and average values for Ambient Temperature, Ambient Pressure, Flow Rate, and Orifice Pressure for each test.
Multiple Re-settable ETI (timers) track Motor Life, Calibration, and User events based on operating hours. Users are notified of critical points via the Alert Status indicator on the front panel
Optional removable memory for collecting data.
Optional Remote Cable allows the system to be controlled via a data logger or other external source.
Models also available for PM-10, TSP, and other high volume samplers.

TE-323 Canister Sampler

TE-323 Canister Sampler

The New TE-323 Canister Sampler meets all requirements of EPA Compendium Method TO-14/TO-15. The canister sampler meets EPA protocols for collection of ambient Volatile Organic Compounds VOC .

Instruction on how to operate sampler is on the menu on the front operating panel
Remote starting on all 3 sample channels from your site data logger.
Sampler will operate on 100 to 240v ac 50/60 hz or 12 dc battery, car lighter, solar panels, UPS system.
19-inch rack mount and table top rubber feet.
Condensation trap.
Flow rates are 1-300 ml/min.
Individual stainless steel vacuum and pressure gauges for each canister port.
Each channel has its own elapsed timers for the pump and sample to ensure chain of custody and Q. C. management of data.
Lights for each sample channel allows the site operator to see what is running in a noisy shelter.
PV has battery back-up and will retain memory and on/off times for 365 days when sampler is off or unplugged.
A three-way valve allows the sampler to purge itself and adjustment of the flow rate just before the canister ports. When the sample starts to the canister it takes the flowmeter out of the sample
TE-232-1 instrument shelter for this sampler, with remote sampling, batter power, solar panel charging system
Auto lighter plug for source sampling or emergency response.
Run two or three cans at once to Q.A. canisters from field site.
Sampler will fill 6 liter can in 40 min. or less to 10 psi
Sampler can be ordered with one to three channels
Add on channels: up to a total of 8 canister channels.
Extra flow regulations can also be added to allow use of different run times
There is no limit on sampling events.
Save labor with a multi-event sampler.
Proven dependability in state agencies.


TE-423 3 channel carbonyl sampler

Aldehydes and ketones belong to a class of compounds called carbonyl compounds. The most common carbonyls in air include formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone. Carbonyls in air are collected by drawing air through a cartridge impregnated with acidified 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH), which is very reactive toward carbonyls. The resulting products (hydrazones) in the cartridge are measured in the laboratory using high performance liquid chromatography to determine the levels of the carbonyl compounds originally present in air. Using DRI's standard carbonyl sampler with one channel, a cartridges can be exposed on a predetermined schedule. 

Key Features :
3 channel carbonyl sampler, one or two cartridges for back up using canister sampler technology
Easy to use touch screen control panel.
Easy to set flow on front panel with LCD read out.
Temperature controlled Ozone Denuder built inside with easy access.
Ozone Denuder total elapse time meter in control panel program to keep tack of total hours of use.
Remote start capabilities for all three channels controlled by site data logger.
19” rack mounted case, with feet for table use.
PLC control center that works with front panel to run sampler.
Set time, day of the week, view and reset elapse time for all 3 channels using the front control touch panel.
Rugged construction for many years of operation and mobile operations.
Sample works on 118volts A/C 50/60 Hz. / 3 amps.
Sample cartridges are secured by LUER LOCK fittings.
Sample flow from 1-ML/MIN. to 2-SLPM.
Panel back lighting, power lamp and channel lights to show sampler operation conditions.
This sampler design matches the other great Tisch samplers, like the 1 channel canister sampler, and the 3 channel canister sampler.

TE-123 Canister Sampler

TE-123 Canister Sampler

The Tisch 1-canister Sampler takes air from the inlet on the pump and injects it into the canisters at a constant flow rate for a preset time. The excess air is released through the bypass exhaust. The constant flow rate and elapsed time allow the operator to compute the volume of the integrated air samples. The samples are pumped through a Stainless Steel, Teflon diaphragm, 12 V.D.C. pump, which develop sufficient pressure to control the flow with a Porter regulator. The pump also samples the air at a flow rate (5 L/min) to keep any long sampling line flushed. A small, constant flow of sampled air is pumped into the sample canisters. The sampler will operate on 12 volts d. c. through a molex plug on back of sampler. The pointed end of the plug is positive (+) and the flat end is negative (-), and draws 5 amps. (ALWAYS USE A 5 AMP FUSE INLINE ON THIS 12V.D.C. INPUT) The a/c cord will take an input of 100-240 V.A.C. at 2 amps.

Meets requirements ofUS EPA Method TO-14 and US EPA Method TO-15
Operation Instructions in menu format on LCD touch screen panel. Unique   ease of programming directly on touch screen
Remote starting from site data logger
Operation from 100-240v AC 50/60 HZ or 12 VDC battery or auxiliary   power from vehicle or solar panel
Bench mount or 19” rack mount
Condensation trap
Flow rate 1-300 ml/min
Stainless steel vacuum and pressure gauges for direct read of canister
3-way valve allows sampler purge and flow adjust directly before   canister port allowing the flow circuit to be removed from sample line 6   liter canister can be filled to 10 PSI in less than 40 minutes
Additional channels available up to 7
High flow pump to maintain maximum flushing of sample line to assure real   time integrated sample
Pre filter made from PTFE for removal of particulate
Very light weight and portable


Industrial Hygiene Air Sampler: Complete with 10 to II cm-filter holder, flow-meter, integral handle, rubber tipped feet, polarized electrical cord, on-off switch, elapsed time Indicator, fuse, tri-pod stand, by-pass motor (110v/60hz or 220v/50hz)

TE-200-PAS and TE-300-PAS

TE-200-PAS and TE-300-PAS

The most comprehensive indoor passive air sampler and outdoor passive air sampler yet for measuring the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the air today. Adapted for remote outdoor use, the PUF (polyurethane foam) disks collection method requires no electricity to operate.