(1). Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (SEMS)***扫瞄式气胶粒径分布监测仪***

BMI has developed an advanced Windows®-based real time software with a
graphical user interface to simplify the SEMS operation.
The core software enables rapid time scanning of the spectrometer voltage to
select a broad size range of particles in time sequence, allowing the
condensation particle counter to measure the number size distribution - how
the concentration of particles varies with particle size. This is a fundamental
measurement in the field of air quality research and industrial nanoparticle
The measurement accuracy is enhanced through a key innovation in the
scanning software that addresses the effects of desmearing, multiple charging,
and the DMA transfer function.
(2). Mixing Condensation Particle Counter (MCPC) ***快速混合型微粒计数器***

The MCPC grows particles rapidly through the turbulent mixing of particle and butanol-saturated flows. Benefits include:
• Ultra-fast response
• Detects particles as small as 5 nanometers
• Extremely compact and light-weight
(3). Humidified Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA) ***增湿型气胶成长因子监测仪***

The HTDMA allows size-resolved measurements to be made of the water
uptake properties of aerosols. This information is critical for understanding how
particles act as cloud condensation nuclei and how particles grow and deposit
within the human respiratory system. HTDMA data have found important
applications in research on the climate impacts of aerosols.
Fully automated and easy-to-use software allows the user to configure the
HTDMA to step through a pre-selected series of monodisperse dry particle sizes
with multiple RH’s tested at each size. The cycle may be repeated automatically
for as long as desired.
A built-in calibration system that introduces known chemical composition
particles into the HTDMA may be purchased as an option to validate operation.
(4). Particle into Liquid Sampler Head (Model 4000) ***水洗式气胶收集器PILS***

The economical PILS Head and Steam Generator is ready to interface with your liquid handling system and collect samples for analysis of multiple water soluble inorganic
or organic species.
Key Features:
Quantitative sampling efficiency and field tested
Rapid water soluble composition data
Easily integrated with user’s Ion Chroma-tography or other analysis system
Suitable for ground based sampling or laboratory experiments

Our atomizer-based Aerosol Generation System produces particles of known chemical composition and diameter size range. Features include: • Syringe pump with a broad range of liquid flow rate control • In-line dryer to remove particle-bound water • Dilution chamber for diluting high concentration atomizer output
(6). Aerosol Neutralizer Body ***气胶电荷中和器***

Key Features:
Sample flow rates: 1-5 lpm
Total particle concentrations: up to 50,000/cc
Charge neutralizer performance has been validated against other commercial neutralizers
Structure: Stainless steel tubing with high vacuum brazed construction
Compact Design: 9”L x 1.25” diameter
Easy disassembly for cleaning and/or Polonium-210 source installation
Design can be easily adapted for mounting of other components (heaters, vapor sources, chillers, EM grids)
(7). Impactors ***冲击式微粒粒径筛选器***

Impactors are designed for different particle diameter cut sizes and various flow rates.
Our Impactors may be purchased with or without differential pressure sensors to
measure air low and to provide a warning of jet clogging.
(8). Laminar Flow Elements (LFE) ***层流板式流量量测元件***

Laminar Flow Elements (LFEs) are designed to measure flow rates between 0.03 and 20 lpm.
LFEs may be purchased with or without differential pressure sensors.
(9). Two-Way Flow Splitters ***一对二分流管***

Our Two-Way Flow Splitters are useful for careful division of particle-laden sample
flows. Each consist of 2” long legs and a 45° angle between the two exit tubes.
(10). Isokinetic Inlet System ***等动力采样入口系统***

Inlets are offered with or without isokinetic flow control, where the sample flow rate is automatically controlled to match the ambient air speed.
Performance is validated through wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics modeling.
Key Features:
Fully automated, hands-off operation
Transmission efficiency > 95% for particle diameters <6µm
Wind tunnel tested and validated
Inlet manifold designed to suit customer’s sampling needs
Aerodynamic, twin-diffuser prevents turbulent boundary layer separation
Removal of diffuser turbulent boundary layer through passive pumping
Proper accounting for attack angle through flexible mounting design
Low power blower to draw and actively control 150 lpm sample flow
(up to 50 lpm of air flow for instruments)
Sample pick-off ports for a user-specified number of instruments
De-Iced Diffusers and inlet aerodynamic shroud
Pitot tube for ambient velocity measurements and isokinetic flow control
Flow rate, pressure and temperature measurements of sample flow
Integrated data system to control operation, record all parameters and provide 1 Hz serial output data stream
Control electronics, keyboard, mouse & monitor conveniently packaged into two rack mountable enclosures
Inlet control software
(11). Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet System ***逆向流式虚拟冲击器***

The CVI inlet is offered with automatic flow control, where the cloud droplet cut size is kept constant by changing the counterflow rate. Performance is validated through wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics modeling.
Key Features:
Fully automated, hands-off operation
Droplet cut sizes between 5 and 40µm
Wind tunnel tested and validated
Inlet manifold designed to suit customer’s sampling needs
30 lpm of aerosol sample flow available to instruments
Counterflow rate software adjustable between 30 and 60 lpm to vary cloud droplet cut size
Ground-based operation possible using integrated wind tunnel
Proper accounting for attack angle through flexible mounting design
De-Iced inlet aerodynamic shroud
Pitot tube for ambient velocity measurements
Flow rate, pressure and temperature measurements of sample and add flows
Low power blowers to draw and actively control the 30 lpm sample flow and 60 to 90 lpm add flow
Integrated data system to control operation, record all parameters and provide 1 Hz serial output data stream
Control electronics, keyboard, mouse & monitor conveniently packaged into two rack mountable enclosures